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Dr. Joel Wallach Youngevity® #1 Colloidal Minerals Dr. Joel Wallach "I felt it was time to put together my own personal product line. This way I can personally stand behind every bottle and promise you that you are really getting pure plant derived colloidal minerals. So why all the hype about minerals? There are many cultures where the documented average
life span is 120 to 140 years and the people have virtually no trace
of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or Alzheimer's.
Scientists discovered that these cultures had one common denominator--the
mineral content of their food and water supplies.
Dr Wallach. Can't I just eat the right foods? US Senate Document #264 states: "99% of Americans are deficient
in minerals...The alarming fact is that the foods-fruits, vegetables,
and grain, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer
contain certain needed minerals, are starving us--no matter how much
of them we eat!" If you do not supplement your diet with plant-source
colloidal minerals, you will not obtain the needed minerals, it's that
simple. Dr Wallach.
Minerals control the body's ability to absorb and use Vitamins. Without minerals, vitamins have no purpose and are quickly eliminated from the body. Your money's simply going in the toilet if your taking a vitamin supplement without the right minerals. It's like trying to run your car on a full tank of gas with no oil in the engine. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but without minerals, vitamins are useless. This latest discovery is one of the most important revelations by science regarding human health. Research has shown a direct correlation between mineral deficiencies and illnesses. For example, diabetes or hypoglycemia involves chromium, zinc, and vanadium deficiencies; cancer and heart disease involve selenium and copper. Most everyone knows that osteoporosis involves a calcium deficiency, but few know about the need for magnesium and boron as well. Baldness, and premature graying are also caused by missing minerals. Overeating and severe sweet cravings can also be a result of deficiencies in certain minerals. Life without minerals? Impossible! Did you know that
proteins, enzymes and hormones are all formed from minerals? Minerals
are the cornerstone of good health, all prevention and recovery programs.
You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency" Two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling |
But my doctor has never told me to take minerals... While it is generally accepted that we have the finest acute health care system in the world, we paradoxically have a pathetic preventative health care system. We have no choice, given the skyrocketing health care costs, but to embrace preventative measures in order to reduce the chances of developing a degenerative disease.--Wouldn't this be worth 80 cents or so a day, not to mention just plain feeling healthier? One simply cannot afford to be ill these days. The old adage really applies here-"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." What the "people" doctors don't know, the animal doctors do... Did you know that each of these diseases is already cured? Diabetes,
heart disease, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis,
and others. Yes, each of those is HISTORY ... in animals, not people!
A 1958 nutritional discovery by a team of farmers, veterinarians, and
chemists has prevented disease in millions of livestock for over 35
years ... and nobody outside the animal industry seems to know it.
So, what can you learn from an old vet? . . . "Every human being or animal that dies of 'natural causes' dies of a mineral deficiency"
Menopause night sweats or hot flashes Ultimate Athlete Formula by Dr Wallach Dr Wallach's Duck Pack Formula Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) by Dr. Joel Wallach Ferret Pak for Optimum weight control