Dr Wallach888-441-4184
Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND


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Dr. Joel Wallach
 Author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"
Colloidal Minerals


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Look no further. You'll find it at Youngevity®

Starvation only complicates the correction of Obesity as a starving body will shut off calorie consumption as an energy conservation move; to avoid this body maneuver, be sure to consume at least 1,000 calories per day (a gradual but permanent loss of pounds and inches will occur) Obesity

Obesity and overweight problems are synonymous with Americans. Nibble, nibble, nibble all the way home. "Pica" is a seeking, a craving with licking and chewing behavior that has its genesis in mineral deficiencies - interestingly enough neither vitamin deficiency, protein deficiency or calorie deficiency initiates this "pica" behavior, nor will supplementing vitamins or eating sugar, carbohydrate, fat or protein quench it!! ! Obesity

The snack food and fast food industries are aware of this relationship between pica, cribbing, cravings, sugar binges and salt hunger and they use it to their advantage by liberally salting or sweetening their products. Unfortunately for us our bodies temporarily translates sugar and salt consumption as a fulfillment of the craving for nutritional minerals (i.e.- if we lack iron, salt or sugar will temporarily satisfy our pica behavior initiated by the iron deficiency). Obesity

At Youngevity®, you'll discover an easy to use, information packed web site. Click Here to Learn more about Obesity. Obesity

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please Contact your physician.

Dead Doctors Don't Lie Colloidal Minerals for trace mineral deficiencies by Dr. Joel Wallach
Our Family:
Healthy Start Pack
Beyond Tangy Tangerine
Pig Pack
Colloidal Minerals
Mighty 90 Paks
Ancient Legacy
Mineral Makeup
Healthy Chocolate