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Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND

What is the use and function of ZINC ?




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IMPORTANCE: Is an antioxidant nutrient; necessary for protein synthesis; wound healing; vital for the development of the reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity; it governs the contractility of muscles; important for blood stability; maintains the body's alkaline balance; helps in normal tissue function; aids in the digestion and metabolism of phosphorus.

It's a MINERAL essential to the synthesis of DNA and RNA, of proteins, insulin and sperm. The body needs zinc, too, to metabolize CARBOHYDRATES, FATS, PROTEIN and alcohol; to dispose of carbon dioxide; to make good use of VITAMIN A. More than seventy different enzymes require zinc to do their appointed work.

May result in delayed sexual maturity, prolonged healing wounds, white spots on finger nails, retarded growth, stretch marks, fatigue, decreased alertness, susceptibility to infections.

An early sign of zinc deficiency in animals is decreased food intake. It is a type II deficiency since a reduction in growth occurs without an apparent reduction in tissue zinc. Reduced immune function, involving B cell and T cell depletion and/or reduced activity, and skin lesions associated with secondary infections are common findings. Chronic zinc deficiency in humans results in reduced growth (dwarfism) and sexual development which are reversible by raising zinc intake. Signs of zinc deficiency may reflect its involvement in cell proliferation and differentiation. Growth, behavioral abnormalities and cognition may respond to zinc supplementation in some populations. Many clinical findings that relate to depressed growth or immunity may have marginal zinc deficiency as a secondary cause.

ZINC Toxicity:
Acute zinc toxicity is characterized by gastric distress, dizziness and nausea. Symptoms of chronic toxicity include gastric problems, decreased serum ceruloplasmin activity and hypocupremia, decreased lymphocyte stimulation to PHA and reduced HDL cholesterol. An emetic effect occurs at >150 mg Zn/day.

Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace mineral. The human body has between 1.5-2.5 g Zn, making it nearly as abundant as iron. It is highly concentrated in specialized areas of the brain, pancreas and adrenal gland, but is present in all cells, particularly in the nucleus. Zinc has structural, catalytic (enzymatic) and regulatory roles. About 1% of the human genome codes for zinc finger proteins, where zinc provides a structural role for regulatory functions. Over 60 enzymes require zinc for activity, including the RNA polymerases. Zinc is actively taken up by synaptic vesicles, supporting a role in neuronal activity and memory. Zinc metabolism is altered during disease and physical stress through hormones, cytokines and toxins, presumably as part of a host defense response.

This element is important in wound healing. It also functions as an anti- oxidant. It is helpful in the treatment of acne. It hastens healing of peptic ulcer disease and burns. The recommended dose is 100 mg per day. Plant chelated zinc will not cause the gastrointestinal distress the inorganic clay/acid derived zinc will. Therefore, request a plant derived colloidal zinc rather than zinc sulfate which is inorganic.

Clinical uses:
Zinc is not widely used as a therapeutic agent except as an ingredient of topical medication. Oral zinc may be used to treat idiopathic skin lesions, some inflammatory conditions and depressed immunity. Zinc is usually indicated in rehabilitation therapy from malnutrition and/or malabsorption in children and adults, used in feeding programs for premature infants and neonates and is also a component of TPN solutions. Supplemental zinc reduces acute diarrhea and depressed immunity.

Diet recommendations:
The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are: infants, 5 mg/day; children <10 years, 10 mg/day; males >10 years, 15 mg/day; females >10 years, 12 mg/day; pregnancy, 15 mg/day; and lactation, 0-6 mo., 19 mg/day; 7-12 mo., 16 mg/day.

birth to 1 year

5 mg per day
1 10 years

10 mg per day
men and boys:
11 to 51 years

15 mg per day
women and girls:
11 to 51 years

12 mg per day
pregnant women 15 mg per day
nursing mothers:
first 6 months
second 6 months

19 mg per day
16 mg per day

Food sources:
Zinc is highly abundant in red and white meat and shellfish. Foods of plant origin except the embryo portion of grains, e.g., wheat germ, are low in zinc. Phytic acid in plants like soybeans binds zinc, forming an insoluble complex that lowers bioavailability. Other inhibitors of absorption are fiber, polyphenols and a high intake of calcium. Zinc from human milk is more absorbable than that from infant formulas or cow's milk.

Acute zinc toxicity is characterized by gastric distress, dizziness and nausea. Symptoms of chronic toxicity include gastric problems, decreased serum ceruloplasmin activity and hypocupremia, decreased lymphocyte stimulation to PHA and reduced HDL cholesterol. An emetic effect occurs at >150 mg Zn/day.

Recent research:
Experiments with transgenic and knock out mice are defining the role for zinc metalloproteins in metabolism, development and cytoprotection. Zinc as a component of an antioxidant system is being evaluated. Zinc as a factor in Ab amyloid protein aggregation leading to plaque formation found in Alzheimer's patients is under investigation. Supplemental zinc has been proven to be of benefit in treatment of acute diarrhea in infants and children. Fluorescent zinc indicators are in use to define zinc functions at the cellular level.

For further information:

Cousins, R.J. (1996) Zinc. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition (Filer, L.J. & Ziegler, E.E., eds.), 7th Ed., pp. 293-306. International Life Sciences Institute Press, Washington, DC

King, J.C. & C.L. Keen (1994) Zinc. In: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, (M.E. Shils, J.A. Olson & M. Shike, eds.), 8th ed., pp. 214-230. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA.


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