Dr Wallach888-441-4184

Dr. Joel Wallach, BS, DVM, ND

Is it alright to take the Majestic Earth Minerals while I'm pregnant?



From the general nutrition point of view it is acceptable but these products don't meet all of the specific nutrient needs of a woman while pregnant. Majestic Earth is nature's original, unaltered, time proven formula. It's non-toxic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

The minerals occur in naturally varying amounts measured in milligrams, PPM (parts per million) or PPB (Parts per billion) Majestic Earth is in a natural balanced form for greatest benefit, it is 98% absorbable by the body. It is the only Mineral product that is 100% safe for pregnant and nursing mothers.

No sweeteners no additives its just the way mother nature intended it to be. During this time both her body and that of the developing child have greater nutritional demands.

For optimal supplementation during pregnancy we recommend a Prenatal formula along with the trace minerals found in Majestic Earth Minerals.

For Pre Natal recommendations please consult with your health care provider

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From the general nutrition point of view it is acceptable but these products don't meet all of the specific nutrient needs of a woman while pregnant. Majestic Earth Minerals is nature's original, unaltered, time proven formula. It's non-toxic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. The minerals occur in naturally varying amounts measured in milligrams